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julio 14, 2023

Sentence Examples for Agreement

Filed under: Sin categoría — admin @ 1:41 pm

As a professional, I have come across many writers struggling with sentence examples for agreement. Whether you are writing an academic essay, a business proposal, or a creative writing piece, proper agreement in your sentences is crucial to convey your points clearly and effectively.

Agreement refers to the consistency in grammatical features such as tense, number, and gender within a sentence or a paragraph. In simpler terms, it means making sure that your subjects and verbs match and that your pronouns agree with their antecedents. Here are some sentence examples for agreement that can help you improve your writing.

1. Singular subject-verb agreement:

– The dog barks at the mailman every morning.

– She runs five miles every day.

– My sister plays the piano beautifully.

In these examples, the subject (dog, she, sister) is singular, and the verb (barks, runs, plays) agrees with it in the present tense.

2. Plural subject-verb agreement:

– The children love playing in the park.

– The birds chirp loudly in the morning.

– We study hard for our exams.

In these examples, the subject (children, birds, we) is plural, and the verb (love, chirp, study) agrees with it in the present tense.

3. Subject-verb agreement with compound subjects:

– The cat and the dog play together in the backyard.

– Jenny and her friends go to the movies every Friday.

– The apples and the oranges are on sale at the grocery store.

In these examples, the subjects (cat and dog, Jenny and her friends, apples and oranges) are compound, but the verb (play, go, are) agrees with them in the plural form.

4. Pronoun-antecedent agreement:

– Each student must complete their homework on time.

– The doctor examined the patient before she left the hospital.

– My sister and I went to the store, and she bought a new dress.

In these examples, the pronouns (their, she, she) agree with their antecedents (student, patient, sister) in gender and number.

5. Agreement in tense:

– I watched a movie last night and enjoyed it.

– She will be running a marathon next month.

– They had completed their project before the deadline.

In these examples, the verbs (watched, will be running, had completed) agree with the appropriate tense (past, future, past perfect).

In conclusion, proper agreement in your sentences is crucial to convey your message accurately. Using these sentence examples for agreement can help you avoid common errors in your writing. Always remember to double-check your work for consistency and accuracy. Happy writing!

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